Tuesday, November 2, 2010

WEC 7 : Build Solution performing a Buid & Sysgen

Using the CTP version of Windows Embedded Compact 7 available from the Microsoft Connect website (http://connect.microsoft.com), you will face a unexpected behavior of the development environment.
When building a solution using the Build menu, you will launch a Build and Sysgen (blddemo.bat) command instead of a Sysgen (blddemo -q) as it was the case in the previous version. This Build and Sysgen action is rebuilding the complete content of the $(_WINCEROOT)\Public folder, that is usually useful when you are making modification into this folder. In the case of the build of a runtime image, this step is not required and is increasing the build time.
As this action is not required, it is useful to avoid the execution of a such action. This can be done by modifying the blddemo.bat file located in $(_WINCEROOT)\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\MISC and adding in the first lines :
If "%1"=="" goto :EOF

- Nicolas

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